Saturday, June 19, 2010

Football with the boys

Sam and I set out on an uncertain adventure on Friday night. We got tickets for the football game and decided to take the boys. Sam thought it would be really fun, I wasn’t so sure. But I went along with it. We went into the city a few hours early and visited both the Art Museum and the Queensland Museum. The boys had a good time. Then we headed to the mall for some quick shopping and dinner and it was off to the game.

Most of it was good. Jackson started yelling, “I want to go home” around half time, but we were able to bribe him with chips (fries) and other treats to stick it out. Owen was an angel. The game itself wasn’t that great, but luckily it didn’t rain and wasn’t even too cold. It was fun and we all survived, however we will probably not be repeating the experience anytime soon.

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Jackson thought it was super cool that we could be dinosaurs. We were dinosaurs for a long time.


Everyone around us thought the kids were really cute. As you can see, they were! Every now and then Jackson would yell out, “Go Broncos!” What a good boy!

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Friday, June 4, 2010

9 months later

I can’t believe that my little bubby is 9 months already. He’s so much fun to have around and we’re so glad that he joined our family. Owen loves crawling, climbing and getting his hands on everything, especially if he can somehow get it in his mouth. He adores his big brother Jackson. They’ve already started wrestling (Jackson leans on him and Owen laughs) and Jackson can make Owen laugh more than anyone else. Owen loves bath time and eating (especially if he can eat it himself). His favorite song is “The itsy-bitsy spider” and he never tires of peek-a-boo. He’s also very wriggly, which at times makes getting him dressed nearly impossible. We love our little munchkin!
