Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Playing catch up

Our last couple of weeks....

1. Jackson helped hang the washing. It kept him occupied for quite awhile.

2. Sam bought me my favorite flowers.

3. My boys relaxed together after church. Love it.

4. Owen turned 6 months. He started sitting and crawling. He started really interacting with Jackson. They laugh together a lot. He finally grew a tooth. He weighed in at a hefty 6.2 kg, or 13.6 lbs. We started feeding him more.

5. We finally went to the beach. Sam took Owen in first. He was crying less by the time Sam brought him out. Jackson on the other hand could've stayed in the water for days. He loved the waves. No fear.

(this is Sam and Owen in the water)

7. Things that happened without photos:
Sam and I went to our first (okay, my first) Rugby league game. It was so much fun! We are looking forward to many more.
We went into the city with the kids. Jackson was pretty excited to ride the bus and had a great time at the museum, on the ferry and just running around. Brisbane really is beautiful.
We had heaps of rain. It rained and rained for about 2 weeks. We are still getting it off and on. We really need the rain, so it's a huge blessing. But we sure were happy to see the sun again.


K and D Roylance said...

I love the clothes pins, that's got to be the only way to securely hang a dishtowel. Life without little helpers would be boring!
It's good to read what's going on....Looks like life continues to treat you well. Go to the beach one day for us too! Give the boys a hug.

Storm'n Normans said...

Looks like sooo much fun! I am totally going to be international some day!! The boys are darling! Owen is so bright and happy, Ryan is lonely. :-(