Thursday, May 27, 2010

Does this make me a bad mum?

I not only allowed this to happen multiple times, but I laughed at it and asked Jackson to do it again so I could get photos.  Jackson made Owen into a turtle. Hee hee. I’m still laughing. (Owen wasn’t a fan.)




Joe and Brea said...

I love it! This is the cutest thing ever. I probably would have done the same thing (laughing and taking picuters that is).

Ms. Boedee said...

Can I just say - I love you and I miss you and how much are plane tickets to Australia?

Sharon Wagoner said...

Don't worry I put the clothes basket on Nathan for the same reason. What cute turtles they make! I guess we can be bad mums together.

IzzieGuire said...

Those pixs made me laugh!!! Jackson seems to have your sense of humor! ;)