Tuesday, October 5, 2010

There’s a first time for everything

Owen has had a couple of really important firsts lately. We recently got him his first toothbrush. He loves it! He practically runs upstairs, climbs onto the step with Jackson and chews and chews that toothbrush. He screams when we take it away. It’s pretty funny. Sam got these photos of them brushing their teeth together the other night. They are seriously the cutest boys ever.

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Owen also got to help make cookies for the first time last week. He was pretty excited about the entire process, but of course especially loved the licking of the beater.

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Okay, so this one wasn’t a first. But he loves watermelon and was really enjoying it at the park the other day. Maybe a little too much.

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1 comment:

Jared & Tracee said...

They really are SO cute! Love the teeth brushing pictures!!! We still need to make it up your way sometime!! Maybe after I pop, then we can really plan something!!