Tuesday, December 7, 2010


Anyone who knows me even semi-well knows that I am not crafty. I try sometimes, but it usually doesn't end well. I'll leave out the messy details.
But...a few months ago at youth, with the help of another talented leader, the girls made sock monkeys. I mostly supervised. I was inspired though. I thought, "I could actually do that." So I decided to take up the challenge and make sock monkeys for all of our nieces and nephews for Christmas. And while they are far from perfect (especially the first few), I feel quite satisfied with the way they turned out. Nice job me.
So here are some (not great) photos of the finished monkeys. I'm pretty sure that I'll be making more. I actually enjoyed this! Maybe someday in the future you will all be owners of my sock monkeys. Probably not, but who knows.
If you're interested in making your own, click here for the tutorial. I warn you, it's addicting. Happy monkey making!

The black ones are for the boys and the girly ones are for the girls. It was a bit tough to find cool socks for boys. The last 3 are my favorite.


Katie said...

Those are so cute! Good job!!

Jamie Anderson said...

Way cute Tiffany! Nice work! I'll have to look into maybe making a couple, sounds like fun. :)